Prize Draw Winners

The prize for an original painting went to Rhys and Margaret Williams of Cardiff. Mr & Mrs Williams competed a prize draw questionnaire at the Waterloo Gardens Exhibition launch on August 2nd.  Congratulations to them both.

Comments from Launch at Waterloo Gardens.

John A of Cardiff writes  ‘Spring Lake – a calming influence’. Ian H of Newport – Painting I like most: ‘Spring Lake’ Alan D of Newport: “‘LLandaff’, It is atmospheric warm, and homely” Mari R, Newport: ‘Llandaff’: Like the style and Llandaff reminds me of being young’. Artist Mark Pinches: “Painting I like most: ‘St … [Read more…]

Castell Coch

While resting on ancient foundations, Castell Coch (Red Castle) is relatively modern, the by-product of a vivid Victorian imagination, assisted by untold wealth. The Middle Ages fascinated the Victorians as much as the Victorians fascinate us today. High Gothic was the order of the day.